Pilgrim Preceptors - The Masonic Order of Pilgrim Preceptors

The Banner of the Grand Conclave

by R Ill Bro Theodore Eddie Kalogeropoulos, RegGov (Med)

GC Banner

The Banner of the Grand Conclave of the Masonic Order of Pilgrim Preceptors was Dedicated during its Annual Meeting held at the Central London Masonic Centre, Clerkenwell Green, London, on Saturday June 29th, 2013, by the late Grand Master, Most Illustrious Brother Stephen Michael Ayres JP.

Key elements of the Banner are the ethos of the Order, and its motto, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," which surround the jewel of the Order.

The combined motto of "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity," although intrinsically associated with the dominant late 18th - 19th century European philosophical movements, settled in the hearts of Freemasons all over the Continent and was therefore universally adopted as another threefold set of principles within the Fraternity. In this sense, these principles are thought to have always been inculcated in the conscience of Humanity and, when properly applied, to have a liberating effect both at practical as well as at spiritual level. Conciliation of individual liberty and equality of rights with equality of results and fraternity will remain forever relevant to the zealous and aspiring Brethren.

The jewel of the Order consists of a complex of five equilateral Triangles of different sizes. The greater Triangle stands in our Conclave as the symbol of the motto of the Order "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity." The sides of the of the centre represents Morality, Virtue and Rectitude, and the rest of the three smaller Triangles represent principles such as Justice, Temperance, and Prudence; Faith, Hope, and Charity; Truth, Brotherly Love, and Relief; the components of a spiritual mason!

The Banner was dedicated to the sacred memory of Most Illustrious Brother Benson Franklyn Catt (1929-2011) one of the Founders of the Order. On December 8th, 1984, he was appointed by the founder Grand Master Most Illustrious Brother Howard Alan Stokes (1914-2015) as primus Grand Secretary of the Grand Conclave on the spot with the responsibility of structuring a proper Masonic Order. He served the Office until April 8th, 2006, when he was Installed as the fourth Grand Master of the Order by his predecessor Most Illustrious Brother Andrew Barry Stephenson (1923-2021). He served that high office until March 19th, 2011.