Grand Conclave of the Masonic Order of Pilgrim Preceptors
will be held on:
Saturday 28th June 2025
at 11.00 am. in the Holmes Temple at
Freemasons’ Hall
80 London Road
Leicester LE2 0RA
All members of the Order are invited to attend.
The Order is based on the story of how Freemasonry came from Jerusalem to England.
Candidates are admitted to the degree of Pilgrim, which describes the journey of Freemasonry from Jerusalem to
The second degree is that of Preceptor, and explains the journey from Rome to England.
The third degree is the Installation into the chair as an Illustrious Preceptor.
The ethos of the Order, and its motto, is “Fraternity, Equality and Liberty”.
Membership is by invitation, and members must be subscribing Past First Principals of a regular Royal Arch
Chapter under the Supreme Grand Chapter of England or in amity therewith and subscribing Past Masters of a
regular Craft Lodge under the United Grand Lodge of England or in amity therewith.